Senin, 06 Februari 2017

Expressing Offer and Suggestion


I.        Pendahuluan

a.     Deskripsi
Dalam modul ini Anda akan mengidentifikasi dan memahami ungkapan tawaran dan saran. Anda juga diharapkan dapat mengidentifikasi tujuan atau fungsi sosial.

b.     Kompetensi Dasar
Kompetensi Dasar dari bab ini adalah:
3.1  Menganalisis fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan pada ungkapan memberi saran dan tawaran, serta responnya, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya.

4.1 Menyusun teks lisan dan tulis untuk menyatakan, menanyakan, dan merespon ungkapan memberi saran dan tawaran, dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai konteks

II.      Penjelasan Materi


A.    What is offer?
Offer is an expression of the desire by people in front of the other people to do something or not to do something

B.    What is the purpose of offer?
a.      Offer means to present, introduce or propose a help or a assist for consideration.
b.     Offer means to propose a help. It can be accepted or refused.

C.    How to express offer?
Example      :

·       Formal Dialogue
Maya      : Can I get you ice tea to drink?
Dwi        : Yes, that would be nice, Thank you.

·       Informal Dialogue
Hadi       : Are you up for some dinner?
Ikeu        : Hey, thanks. What’s on the menu?
Hadi       : What about something to drink?
Ikeu        : Sure. What about some coffee?
Hadi       : I’d like it very much.

A.    How to respond to offer?

Example         :
a.     Accepting
Sekar                  :  May I get you some to drink?
Febby                 :  Yes, I’d love to get some tea.

Dewi                  :  Would you like me to get you some food?
Rosta                  :  That would be nice. Thank you.

b.     Refusing / Declining
Astri       : Would you like some cookies?
Sri          : Thank you, but I’m on a diet.
Astri       : How about a cup of tea?
Sri          : I’d like to have a cup of tea. Unfortunately, I’m late for a    


A.    What is suggestion?
Suggestion is about say or write our ideas about what people should do.

B.    What is the purpose of suggestion?
a.      Suggest means to present a suggestion that is to introduce or propose an idea or a plan for consideration. It can be accepted or refused
b.     Suggestions are abstract and can be in form of solution, advice, plan, and idea.

C.    How to express suggestion?

1.          Asking for Suggestion
·            Do you have any suggestions for me?
·            Would you mind giving me your suggestion?
·            Can you tell me what I should do?
·            What should I do?

2.          Giving Suggestion
·       You should + V1
·       You had better + V1
·       You ought to + V1
·       I suggest you to + V1
·       How about + Ving
·       Let’s + V1
·       Why don’t you + V1
·       Couldn’t you + V1
·       What about + Ving

a.     Giving suggestion with let’s”
Let's comes from the word let us, which means: "I have a suggestion for us" (saya punya suatu saran untuk kita)

Pattern :

Example   :
I’m bored.
Let’s go to a movie
Let’s not go to beach. Let’s stay home instead

a.     Giving suggestion with “could
·       Could” can be used to give suggestion to others
What should we do tomorrow?

We could go on a picnic.
We could go to Yulia’s party.

·       “Could” can be used to give offer or possibility to others
I’m having trouble in math class
You could talk to your teacher.
You could ask Anna to help you with your math lessons.

b.     Giving suggestion with “why don’t”
Why don’t is the most important phrase in English to provide suggestion friendly.
Example :
Why don’t we go to a movie?
(In the context of that sentence, "Why do not we go = Let's go")
        Why don’t you come around eight?
(In the context of that sentence means: I suggest you to come around eight)

1.          Responding to Suggestion

a.          Accepting Suggestion
·       Sure
·       Ok. Yes, let's.
·       Yes, I'd like to.
·       Yes, I'd love to.
·       What a good idea!
·       Why not?
·       Yes, with pleasure.
·       That sounds like a good idea.  
·       That's a good/nice/wonderful idea.

b.          Refusing Suggestion
·       No, let's not.
·       No, I'd rather not.
·       I don't feel like it.
·       I dislike your suggestion.
·       What an awful / bad idea!
·       I don’t think it’s a good idea. Sorry
·       Sorry. That’s boring. Let’s do something else.
·       It’s a bad idea.
·       No, let’s not. Let’s …
·       I’m afraid, we/ I can’t.
·       No, I don’t think so.

Note       :
1.     The verb "suggest" can be followed by either:
a.      should + verb = I suggest (that) we should go to the library.
b.     a verb (in the subjunctive form)= I suggest (that) we go to the library.
2.     "That" is optional:
      "I suggest that we should visit London."
      "I suggest we should visit London."

42 komentar:

  1. Tentang invitation gak ada ya kak??

  2. Very good source for teaching. can I have your number ?

  3. Thank you. A good useful material. Good job!

    1. the same, hopefully useful in everyday life, oh yes, thank you too.

  4. Thank you very much..A very useful material.

    1. the same is the same ... hopefully useful for use

  5. Terimakasih Aku Sangat bersyukur bisa menemukan ini
    Terimakasih Ya❤️

    1. Iya aku juga terimakasih bisa menemukan ini. Sama sama

  6. Verry good source for teaching.thank you material good job

  7. Thank you for material. I'm so happy cause i find this material.

  8. Thanks for the material..but i'm do not understand for the material

  9. Thanks for the material..but i'm do not understand for the material

  10. Why sugestion and offers are different when they are both aiming to help provide solution

  11. Thank for the material.
    On this occasion i want to ask.
    What is the difference between expressing offers and suggestions?

  12. Thanks a lot for the material

  13. Would you like some....?
    Would you like something?
    Should I get you?
    What can I get for You?

  14. Very good material, but it should be a bit more Indonesian languange so that many people understand it. Thank you

  15. Very good material, but it should be a bit more Indonesian languange so that many people understand it. Thank you
